Welcome to pixeldroid.art!

While our full site is under development, we're excited to offer our Winter 2024 collection featuring art from our "Algorithmic Mirror" art show at Mother Fools Coffee Shop in Madison, Wisconsin. Below you'll find a variety of wall hangings and four collections of Winter Holiday cards, with five unique cards in each collection. All prices include shipping within the US. For international orders, please contact us directly.

Our virtual storeroom is bursting with imaginative imagery and characters who ask daily when their selfies will be posted on our web platform. We look forward to sharing them with you on a variety of art pieces and home decor. We're especially excited about our upcoming Valentine's Day collection – whether you're saying "You're Special to Me" or expressing other heartfelt sentiments, we hope to have the perfect card for your message.

While the artwork available to order on this page matches the sizes and formats displayed in our gallery show, please contact us with custom artwork inquiries. Though our newsletter isn't ready yet, we'd love to let you know when new products are available or when our full site launches – reach out and we'll stay in touch!

Thanks much!

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